Wizards Of Ooze
- 2 x LP
- Label
- Buteo Buteo
More than ever, the phenomenal "Bambee!" proves that versatility comes natural to the two-headed Wizards brain and it's definitely more original and creative than its predecessor "The Dipster". The dark melancholic pearl "Dusty Pieces", the first single of the album, floats on a heavy, lingering beat and takes away the unsuspecting listener's breath with a surprise offensive of violins that slash like a knife. In the sparkling, wayward "Patrice" Zap Mama leadsinger Marie Daulne reaches true vocal depths. Her band co-member Sabine Kabongo's priceless vocal cords are supreme in the sentimental ballad "Bright Day" and Dutch singer Trijntje Oosterhuis is "vitality incarnate" on the partyfunk track "Hifi". The Wizards also flirt with hardrock and metal on the "Buttgrabba" opening track. And the 'reinforced concrete' grooves of the "Sunnycruisers" and "Phaser" tracks really hit your ears.